Donations For Indian Citizens
Please Note:
- The amount to be donated should be filled in Indian Rupees.
- For Donors in India all donations are exempt From Income Tax U/s. 80g(5)(Vi) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 Vide Order No. Dit(E)/1580/8e/40/69-70 Dated 02-01-2007, Which Has Been Further Extended in Perpetuity by Letter No. Dit(E)/2913/8e/40/69-70 Dated 26.09.2011. Our Income Tax Pan Is: AAATR3497G.
- Money receipt with a copy of Income Tax exemption certificate will be sent by post to the donors in India within 2-3 weeks from the date of receipt of the donation.
- For Donations made from outside India by Indian citizens , scanned copy of the receipt would be sent.
- Donation Amount should not be less than Rs 200.